Five Corners Naturopath and Wellness Centre News Room

A collection of ourr latest news room articles for great health advice and learn about upcoming workshops in our convenient Kyneton location.

Lemon Balm for Mental Wellbeing

Lemon Balm for Mental Wellbeing

Have you heard about a herb called Lemon Balm? I first heard about it when i was studying Naturopathy and had no idea that it's a herb I will love later on in practice. Why? It has many actions and therefore it can help with variety of health issues. I...

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Grapefruit in Winter

Grapefruit in Winter

I'm very fond of Grapefruit, especially the ruby one. I remember my Dad enjoying them when they were in season in Czechoslovakia where I grew up. He also showed me how to peel them properly and how to get rid of the bitter pith. My 7-year old daughter...

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Foods to lower cholesterol

Foods to lower cholesterol

Do you know what your cholesterol levels are? To be honest I don't but I'm planning to go to my GP and get her to order tests to check my liver function, kidney function, general blood test and my hormonal profile. When I look at test results regarding...

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Chocolate – healthy or not?

Chocolate – healthy or not?

Is there anyone out there that doesn't like chocolate? I haven't met anyone yet but I get asked a lot if chocolate is healthy. My answer is: it depends on what is the percentage of cocoa in there? The higher the amount the less sugar and fat has been...

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Yummy recipe full of goodness for your gut

Yummy recipe full of goodness for your gut

On Thursday I like to post a recipe of food that is in season and today I want to talk a bit about Jerusalem Artichokes or "fartichokes" as we call them in our house. So, what's good about them? They are the best prebiotic food you can lay your hands on!...

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Hibiscus tea in Winter

Hibiscus tea in Winter

It's winter here in  Australia and I hear lots of people say that they struggle with their water intake as they don't feel like drinking cold water. My suggestion is to drink any kind of herbal tea! It will have some benefit depending on what tea you...

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