Thyme for infections

Thyme for infections

I have seen a few people in my practice with upper respiratory infections this winter. One of the herbs I add to their herbal tincture is Thyme as it has antibacterial properties.   Thyme Benefits Thyme is of the genus Thymus, most commonly Thymus vulgaris or...
Children and the Immune System

Children and the Immune System

This is a second blog in the series about the Immune system I’m putting together. I want to talk a little bit about kids and what sort of things we should know when we consider their immunity. First of all; kids tend to get sick with respiratory infection at...
How to look after our Immunity

How to look after our Immunity

Lets talk about the Immune system and how to look after it during the colder months. The Immune system plays very important role in our survival as it protects us from viruses, bacteria and other foreign substances. It can be overactive and that’s when we see...
Stress and the Adrenals

Stress and the Adrenals

I would like to write about something that I see at clinic every day and that is stress! Even when a patient wants help with digestion or eczema or recurrent colds we always end up talking about stress and how that impacts their lives. Stress is a helpful response to...
Sugar-Free Coconut Carob Bars

Sugar-Free Coconut Carob Bars

I don’t know about you but I love chocolate. I’m always looking for healthy and delicious recipes that I can enjoy. This one doesn’t include raw cacao powder but I changed it a bit and halved the amount of carob and added my favorite raw cacao...
Benefits of Peppermint

Benefits of Peppermint

This morning I made myself Peppermint and Licorice tea to help with my sore throat. Peppermint also reduces sinus inflammation. What is your favourite tea to help with cough? Article taken from the Herb Wisdom website 9 January 2017 ...