Detox and possible side effects

Detox and possible side effects

I’m starting to detox tomorrow and I’m feeling quite excited about it. I tend to Detox once a year in Spring for a month. My husband did it with me a few years ago and the hardest thing for him to give up was coffee and wheat. He had a headache for 5 days...
Detox in Spring

Detox in Spring

It’s getting closer and closer to Spring and what I do at the beginning of Spring is Detox my digestive system. And by that I mean stomach and its mucosal layer, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine and intestinal lining. And of course the liver, kidneys...
Plant Protein

Plant Protein

Are you a vegetarian? Are you a vegan? Are you a carnivore thinking about becoming vegetarian or vegan? My Grandpa was a butcher and I’ve always eaten meat but I’m noticing that the older I get I’m naturally eating less. It’s not a conscious...
Green Soup for Nourishment

Green Soup for Nourishment

I’m really looking forward to Spring! I want to get back into my exercise routine and to walking everyday for at least 45 minutes. I don’t know about you but I feel so unmotivated and sluggish in Winter and find it difficult to exercise when it’s...
Antioxidants for Eye Health

Antioxidants for Eye Health

A couple of my family members had their eyes tested and one needs glasses and the other needs further testing. I also have a few patients asking what nutrients are good for optimal eye health. We definitely need antioxidants and the more the better. Antioxidants are...
Coconut oil in your pantry

Coconut oil in your pantry

I know there is a lot of information about coconut oil but it won’t hurt to revisit some of the benefits. I have a couple of teaspoons in my drink every day as it fills me up and gives me energy until I have lunch. The drink is made of almond milk, raw cacao...