This is a second blog in the series about the Immune system I’m putting together. I want to talk a little bit about kids and what sort of things we should know when we consider their immunity.

First of all; kids tend to get sick with respiratory infection at least 5-6 times a year before they start school and that is OK, that’s how they build up their immunity. Secondly (is that a word?), fever up to 39C is OK. By heating up the immune system is able to fight of bacteria and viruses that invaded it. If fever gets over 39C we can cool the body by wetting a cloth and applying it over calves and ankles. Thirdly, kids vital force is much stronger than adult’s which means they tend to recover faster without too much intervention. Do you remember being young and getting a cold? How quickly did you get better? Overnight? Sometimes all that a child needs is to get fever, sweat it out and all is well by the next morning.

Most common illnesses that children suffer for are:

  •  Respiratory system diseases – acute rhinitis, influenza, colds & flu, whooping cough, ear infection, conjuctivitis
  •  Gastrointestinal System diseases – diarrhoea, constipation, worms, food allergies, colic

Integumentary system diseases – eczema, nappy rash, seborrhoeic dermatitis

Here are some nutrients that will help children boost their Immune system:

    • Vitamin A
    • Vitamin E
    • Vitamin C
    • Vitamin D
    • Zinc
    • Essential Fatty Acids

Herbs are also needed to treat specific illnesses and to strengthen Immunity:

    • Elderflower
    • Ashwagandha
    • Californian poppy
    • Echinacea spp.
    • Elecampane
    • Eyebright

We also want to ensure that children get enough good quality sleep, their food is not processed and as close to nature as possible. We want to deal with any stresses in their lives and look after their gut flora.

If your child’s Immune system needs a boost, make an appointment with me today and I can help guide your child along the way with diet plans, nutritional medicines and other ways to strengthen her or his immunity.